Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) expands upon the assumption that, "the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the incidence and fear of crime, and lead to an improvement in the quality of life." CPTED deviates from the more traditional target hardening approaches to crime prevention such as locks, alarms, and fences, by deriving access control and surveillance through the byproduct of normal and routine use of the environment.

By understanding the direct relationship of the design and management of the environment to human behavior, we can increase the success of crime prevention efforts. Likewise, by understanding the direct relationship of the design and use of the environment to human behavior, we can increase productivity and profitability in the commercial sector.

These results are produced by using three key CPTED concepts:

1. Natural Surveillance
* A design concept directed at keeping intruders or abnormal
users of space under observation.
2. Natural Access Control
* A design concept directed at decreasing crime opportunity by
creating a perception of risk.
3. Territorial Behavior
* A design concept directed at extending the normal user's
sphere of influence by developing a sense of proprietorship.

The successful use of CPTED concepts and strategies have resulted in following success stories:

1. Convenience stores have used CPTED to increase sales and reduce
losses from theft of up to 50% and from robberies up to 65%.
2. Design research on office environments has determined that the
lack of territorial identity in the office space contributes to
lower morale, less productivity, and greater tolerance of
dishonesty among fellow workers.
3. Schools using CPTED are reducing construction costs, lowering
conduct and crime violation, and improving achievement and
matriculation levels.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for a CPTED review, or you would like to learn more about applying the CPTED concepts to your existing security surveys, please contact us and one of our Certified CPTED specialists will be happy to help you.

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*Statistics and definitions taken from Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design second edition, by Timothy Crowe.